Unofficial Oblivion Patch Makes Game Crash
Hey, I have been having some crashing too. I also have the three unofficial patches for vanilla oblivion, shivering isles and knights of the nine. Does your game crash when you start it up or does it randomly happen when walking somewhere or are entering a cell? For me the crashing occurs randomly without any specific action haven taken place. I wonder if we're having the same problems. When my gasme crashes the screen usually turns black and either freezes my computer or I have to ctrl alt del out of the program, sometimes I get an error message and the game is closed automatically.
I am running other mods too, however, when I reduced the game to vanilla then added mod by mod the game still crashed, however, the crashing was so random that it was hard to tell which mod caused it.
I use two tools to help keep oblivion clean and running smoothly (which is ironic considering the situation I am currently in). I use OMM (oblivion mod manager) to load mods and Boss to sort them. Together it cuts out most problems and OMM really makes removing a mod a lot easier. They are both relatively small files and are pretty simple to use.
Anyway, hopefully some of that fixes your problem -- I am hoping that I can get my oblivion working up to snuff as well.... I have an nVidea GT8800 graphics cards and I heard nvidea cards can cause problems with oblivion... I also tried with my radeom card (my laptop) and I still had crashed sooooo I'm just not sure...
The Unofficial Oblivion Patch, Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch and Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches are major mods by Quarn and Kivan that fix over 1,800 bugs (and 70,000 object placement errors) left over even after the latest official patch is applied. These fixes range in importance from trees that seem to float in the air up to conflicts that could cause the game to crash.
Note that these patches are all unofficial. The official (Bethesda-released) patches are documented at Patch; the official patches include some fixes that for technical reasons (e.g., altering the game's executable) cannot be incorporated into the unofficial patches. Therefore, installing the official patches is still recommended, in particular for fixing the Reference Bug problem. Also, the unofficial patches are only available to PC players; Xbox 360 and PS3 players cannot install any third-party content.
This is a very generic help topic and may not cover your particular crash at all. It is several years old and predates Fallout3. The advice was intended for Oblivion, but much is applicable to other games as well.
Then look for programs that run in the background, they are stealing time from the game and if they don't give control back quick enough - crash. MS indexing service, antivirus progs that scan everything in the background, Auto defrag programs, Scheduling programs all steal cycles from the game. Any of these can cause crashes.
Another often overlooked source of crashes is removing a mod. If you remove a mod that affects game play, it can cause a crash when something from the missing mod is referenced in game. The most common is the unable to enter Bruma crash. This is caused when you complete a part of the main quest with one character, make a new character, load an old save and try to enter Bruma with the new character. There is something (spoiler) in Bruma that references your old character - which is no longer in the game.
NOTE: These fixed plugins use the ESP master (aka mod de-isolation) method which means you still need the original plugins for these plugins to work! The plug-ins are not a redistribution of modified original Bethesda plug-ins, but contain only changes and have the original plug-ins set as masters. Because of this, these are not standard plug-in ESP files. Merging, editing or otherwise modifying them using the Elder Scrolls Construction Set or other utilities may cause them to stop functioning or cause severe bugs in your game! These plugins MUST load after the DLC's that they patch; reversing this load order, or activating the UODP ESP's without the official DLC's that they patch present, can cause Oblivion to crash on launch or load of a save. (The self-installing version will set the appropriate dates; use OBMM or equivalent if you use the manual version to adjust the load order.)
The UODP is currently not compatible with the JOG's Official Plugins Unnerfed mod because it modifies the original Bethesda plug-in ESP files. If you use the UODP overtop of Unnerfed, Oblivion may crash on launch. The UODP is compatible with S.M. Plug-In Refurbish (move the S.M. ESP's after the UODP ones with OBMM or equivalent.) If you use the Horse Armor Pack patch with Slof's Armored Horses, the Slof's horses' reins may disappear. Use dev_akm's compatibility patch instead.
I figured out what's causing the UODP fix for the Mystic Emporium to not work correctly. UODP makes a change to the upstairs interior door in the Mystic Emporium. The door is incorrectly set to be owned by "ICMysticEmporiumFaction", instead of "GenericOwner" (like the interior doors in all other buildings in the game). This causes the shop to never actually open, and thus blocks the locked door fix, as well as introducing a new issue where it is always considered trespassing when entering the shop.
The Unofficial Oblivion Patch, Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch and Unofficial Official Mods Patch are major mods by Quarn and Kivan that fix over 1,800 bugs (and 70,000 object placement errors) left over even after the latest official patch is applied. These fixes range in importance from trees that seem to float in the air up to conflicts that could cause the game to crash.
Performance of the Gods (Or pretty much all mods with "Performance" in the title): Performance gain is usually placebo, disabling small clutter items with less than five polygons won't do anything. Also potentially dangerous if they mark the records as Deleted rather than Initially Disabled, as the game can crash if a script tries to reference a deleted object.
Fallout Character Overhaul: Multiple broken file paths which cause missing mesh triangles and pink textures. The installer auto-selects patches for mods you don't have installed and installs the Glowing Ghouls file which causes massive performance drops and save bloat. It doesn't cover every NPC in the game (Plus NPCs from the DLCs or mods), so any uncovered NPCs look very out of place. It requires the bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles INI setting to be enabled, which causes performance loss due to generating NPC face textures on the fly in-game. It also overwrites many YUP fixes for NPCs, though these can be patched using FNVEdit. I recommend New Vegas Redesigned 2 Revised or Character Expansions Revised instead.
This is the patch Bethesda should have made, it fixes a lot of CTD issues and overall improves gameplay throughout. If you also have Shivering Isles be sure to download the Unofficial patch for that as well:
Well done if you made it this far you're pretty much done. The very last step you will need to do now is go to your data folder and hit the Boss.exe and Boss.bat file, these will sort your mods into correct loading order so your game doesn't crash. Now one last mod to install and you're done.
You're free to experiment with whatever you want, but the best way to handle things is to install mods and scripts one by one; that is, installing them, then checking if your game loads correctly. If you don't know what you're doing, then there's a good chance that some mods might crash your game randomly. If you installed everything possible and then your game's crashing, you're now in deep trouble trying to figure out what the problem is. Some mods just don't work on certain computers for no explicable reason, so it's good to take things slow to figure out what works and what doesn't.
I have started Skyrim:SE with a clean build, this is the first time I've installed the SE version of the game. Being a fan of the STEP project on the Legendary edition I looked up and followed the instructions for your SE build. However, after following all the steps up to the end of step 4 I attempted (as instructed) to run the game and check that the mods are all working correctly. Upon starting a new game I am greeted (briefly) with a loading screen with nothing but the empty level bar in the top right corner and a little animated mist in the bottom left before the game crashes to desktop.
I then proceeded to activate and deactivate the mods in order to narrow down where the problem lay. If I disable Live another life and the mods that depend on it (patches for the most part) the game will load into the cart ride perfectly fine and I have followed this line through the start of character generation with no issues. Also, if I disable all other mods but Live another life then it works fine on its own. So I'm assuming that I've either installed something wrong, missed a mod/patch or something is conflicting with it and I have no idea where to start in diagnosing this issue further.
Yup, I've run Loot as per the guides instructions. I assumed it might be a load order issue at first and tried making Live another life and its patches the last thing to load but that just stops the game from loading at all. If I slide them back till the game loads it still crashes on new game start. 2b1af7f3a8