Ramp Final Exam Answer Key [WORK]
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This method can be used for any geometry problem, but to beeffective, the questions must be chosen to represent key concepts.The answer keys can then be used to grade the students, using theinformation found on their tables. This student will end up with threeexams, each representing different parts of the lesson. Theexams will have large, medium, and small circles as corner points.
If it is a class that will take more than a day to complete theunits, then each day will have several exams, each with slightlydifferent questions. This way the students won't get bored, the teacherwon't get sick of the process, and the students can learn the mostfrom the lesson.
Finally, this technique of grouping questions by concept forpractice is cost effective. When I was teaching, I had to buy allof the books, and even then, I found myself short on books. When Iintroduced the concept of multiple choice exams, I was able to buyall of the books at once. I no longer had to order any books.
This is a useful teaching technique since there are numerousequations that could be used for any of these problems. Theequations are named. The students are able to study them and becomefamiliar with the concepts. If the teacher adds a question or changesits name, the students will not be required to answer an entirelydifferent question. The students are able to choose the best questionsfor their exam. This is yet another way to limit test time andprevent any teaching that might take place during testing.
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