MacMillan English Dictionary For Advanced Learners 2nd Edition Serial Key Fix
As mentioned above, the use of a DV is not the only way of guiding the learner towards the most appropriate sense for a word, but it is a tried and tested pedagogical strategy. The other approach is for the learner to consult the dictionary and seek advice from the phonetic information provided. The advantage of consulting an electronic dictionary is that, as well as the phonetic information, it provides the learner with a semantic gloss for each entry. The disadvantage of this approach is that learners could become confused by trying to read and understand too much information at once. They might also feel overwhelmed by the amount of information presented. In any case, learners often come to dictionaries with a preconception of what they should find. As the introduction to the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary (CALD3, 1999) stated:
The use of a DV may cause problems with learners, who may fail to understand many of the words used in definitions, or become confused by the number of words used. In part, this may reflect the learners' inability to cope with a dictionary's size, and in part with their unfamiliarity with the vocabulary of the dictionary. Indeed, learners frequently say things like, 'I can't understand some of the words in the dictionary', 'I can't understand some of the words in my dictionary', or 'I don't know what some of the words in my dictionary mean'. Such problems can be a major deterrent to users, and we shall return to them in the next section. The other aspect of a DV is that many of the words in the DV may be used in a wide variety of senses, so that learners may not encounter many of them in their learning of the language. As most of the learner's dictionaries surveyed here contain more than 4500 entries, the chances of encountering a word in its singular sense in a dictionary is remote. For example, of the 29,700 entries in CALD4, only 907 are singular. Of the 11,200 entries in COBUILD for definitely (i.e. for which the words definite, definitely or definitely not appear in the definition), only a small number of these (around 400) are singular. Table 2 summarises the dictionaries surveyed.
When designing a learner's dictionary it is important to remember that the learner might not know the structure of the language system, and it is also important to take into account the vocabulary the learner already knows, as well as that of the learner's first language. This is particularly important in a dictionary designed for an EAL population, since the learners may know more words in their first language than in English. The collation of terms and their definitions should therefore be systematic, and it is important that definitions that are similar in meaning are collated together, in order to avoid unnecessary duplication of definitions and to make it easier for learners to locate entries that they need (Kipfer 1984: 150). 827ec27edc