Hollow Man Dubbed From English Man Full Movie Hd 1080p
Hollow Man Dubbed From English Man Full Movie Hd 1080p - https://urllie.com/2t9Fro
The extras are limited to a few of the Outtakes, the Making of the Movie Special Feature, the Official Trailer and the Option to Enable English/French Audio. The feature is an artful look at the entire movie and all of the subplots, which is very interesting. As you'd expect, there are a few character and plot points that I'm missing, but it's a good production. There's also some terrific comments from Pegg and Wright and some humorous ones by Broadbent and Lili Taylor. They're brief as always, but this is actually a solid feature. The package is pretty simple and includes standard Blu-ray artwork and cover, one making of photo and a textless menu. There are no extras included on the disc. This sets the bar for the other new extras, of which there are two - the documentary Brad Pitt's Bigger, Better, Faster, More and the deleted scenes. The first of these is presented in two chapters; the first being the entire feature and the second being scenes from the deleted ending. The deleted scenes are for the most part extended takes of scenes that were trimmed for length or comedy, or just to make room for the extra footage. The second chapter is half the feature. The documentary is in two parts; the first about Brad Pitt's research and the second profiling three of the most popular celebrities in the UK. The Brits profiled are Derek Jacobi, Helen Mirren and Helen McCrory, and while they have some amusing comments, they don't have much to say about the film and the feature is not worth your time at all, so I won't waste your time with that. Extras are pretty sparse on this disc, but then again, most of the extras on the first two discs are pretty good as well. The only one that I'd consider essential is the feature commentary, which is a much better collection of material than anything here. There's a lot of value here, but none that I'd consider essential.
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