Film Super Irani 74
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The biggest surprise came from a project that was devised by the Film, Television & Theatre lab in the Interactive Media Division. The goal of the project was to determine whether a robot would be able to trace a path between different positions of objects and navigate safely. The team used a robot equipped with a camera and LIDAR, a laser-based distance measuring device. LIDAR is the main device used in the development of GPS, a Global Positioning System used by the military and civilian alike.
When we announced the IndieGogo project, we said that we were going to be launching a film festival in partnership with the Sundance Institute. We did. But we did more. We created the first CodeRED cohort for film production and distribution professionals, made it possible for independent filmmakers and film professionals to participate in the world's premiere filmmaking education. Once we launched the first cohort, we asked our experienced members of the film community (read the bios below) to share their wisdom and experience with the newbies.
The Sundance Vision Film Festival is an annual event for film professionals, including indie and nonprofit filmmakers, to learn about the most exciting work in the nonfiction and documentary space. The inaugural Vision Festival, held in 2015, was accompanied by a brief competition and a week of panels and screenings.
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One of the drawbacks to this approach was that we needed to recompile every time we made even a small change to the code. This slowed everything else we were doing down and because we couldn't always have someone waiting for the application to finish building. 827ec27edc