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The console loader works very well for the Steam users legit but can also be loaded with the cracked game. In the worst scenario, if you cannot load the console, follow our instructions on how to activate steam to load console.
Namely, the Steam release of Modern Warfare 2 will necessitate that all players associate a mobile phone number with their Steam accounts, which will also need to be connected with their Activision ID codes, according to CharlieIntel. This measure isn't entirely unexpected, as many other contemporary multiplayer games like CS: GO also require players to enter their phone numbers in order to play competitive matches. While some may consider this a breach of privacy, the feature's advertised purpose is to reduce the number of smurf accounts and cheaters that are in circulation at any given time.
Communication is essential when playing multiplayer games like Modern Warfare 2. If you're unable to hear your teammates or they're unable to listen to you, then you should perform these basic troubleshooting steps to fix the voice chat issue: 153554b96e