Basiswissen Software Test Pdf 22
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The Internet of Services and the Internet of Things are major building blocks of the Future Internet. The digital enterprise of the future is based not only on mobile, social, and cloud technologies, but also on semantic technologies and the future Internet of Everything. Semantic technologies now enable mass customization for the delivery of goods and services that meet individual customer needs and tastes with near mass production efficiency and reliability. This is creating a competitive advantage in the industrial economy, the service economy, and the emerging data economy, leading to smart products, smart services, and smart data, all adaptable to specific tasks, locations, situations, and contexts of smart spaces. Such technologies allow us to describe, revise, and adapt the characteristics, functions, processes, and usage patterns of customization targets on the basis of machine-understandable content representation that enables automated processing and information sharing between human and software agents.
The processing of the data was undertaken using the data analysis software OriginLab 2019, and the subsequent analysis was done in the programming language R 3.6.119, using the IDE (integrated development environment) RStudio 1.2.5019. The raw data and the programming code containing the libraries and commands used are appended in the supplemental material.
The samples within groups are independent, and the groups are also independent. There is a dependence between frequency points within each METF, meaning that we have to assume that the magnitude at one frequency is influenced by the neighboring magnitudes in a non-negligible way. We have to assume heteroscedasticity of the data (different data sets have different variance). We therefore use multiple Welch22,23 t-tests with \\(\\alpha =0.05\\) to assess differences between groups at each frequency, because these are quite robust against non-normal distributions24,25. We are using the Holm method of sequentially rejective testing to avoid summation of type I errors (false positives)26 and denote the corresponding adjusted p value as \\({p}_{adj}\\). The local null hypotheses here are pairwise equality of the comparison groups, and the global null hypothesis is a frequency-wise equality of all comparison groups (once categorized by research group and once by measurement method).
Comparison of METF data from different research groups by frequency. All groups use single point LDV measurements on the stapes footplate as output signal (method A). Median Magnitudes and quartiles without outliers are depicted. Complete results of the corresponding Welch t-tests are listed in supplements.
Comparison of measurement methods by frequency. Median magnitudes and quartiles without outliers are depicted. (A) single point LDV on footplate, (B) scanning LDV mean, (C) volume displacement calculated from scanning LDV data, (D) single point LDV on stapes head. Data for methods (A), (B) and (C) is from the same lab (Zürich), the data for method (D) is from another lab (Colorado). The data of method (A) from other research groups was excluded here in order to focus on differences between methods and not research groups. The results of the corresponding Welch t-tests are listed in supplements.
Note that we are trying to establish a range of sound transfer in normal ears. It is possible that there are individuals in which sound conduction is very different from the rest of the population, but who still have normal hearing. However, we cannot confirm this because there is no assignment of hearing tests to temporal bones. Therefore, to be on the safe side, we have to assume that outliers are the result of undetected pathologies or measurement errors.
The t-tests between all methods further show that there are significant differences between the methods (see Fig. 5), although not at all frequencies. This can be interpreted as a first indication that the different methods are systemically dissimilar, but that for the most part, all data labeled as method \"A\" is comparable. 153554b96e